Sunday, November 19, 2006

LAdies and Gentleman, we have a winner

I DID IT!!!! Thats right people, my box o fun is packed...i meant my box for shipping. not the other box...that's for another time and place ;)

beyond being a piggie-pants, I also feel monumentally sneak-tastic. see, apparently, if you go to ship something, say its books, then they charge you less! so because i am a sometimes honest girl, i put some books in my box...the packing box, you jackasses!

So yay for me, yay for you and your dirty minds, and yay for some margaritas that i plan on having tonight with some work minded folks...w00t!


Grahamburger said...

Because you are sometimes an honest girl?

...hmm, interesting new development. :P

Johnna said...

dude, when do i EVER lie?

Grahamburger said...

Okay, true, you don't. Neither do I. But damn if we aren't the best at manipulating the truth. :P