Wednesday, November 29, 2006

right round baby...

I saw the most awful thing on the news last night. It was awful enough to have nightmares about. Some woman microwaved her baby to death. The poor defenseless 3 week old baby, that she carried in her stomach for 9 months. I'm pro choice. If you think you can't handle a baby, you have an abortion, or you contact an adoption agency. You don't microwave your child. Whomever this woman is, she's a sick bitch, and she has a lot of issues. There is help everywhere, for everyone, whether or not you can afford it. If you don't want your child, you should call social services, not kill it with a kitchen appliance...


April B. said...

That makes me want to vomit up my lunch.

Johnna said...

me too!!! thanks for joining my cool kids train!!!

Grahamburger said...

Yeah, so I was gonna go eat but now I'm not so hungry. Thanks bunchs. That's horrible and all kinds of disturbing.